Dishing dirt and Wasting my most valuable resource

Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?

The interesting thing about this question is that it implies, without apology, that you do not take full advantage of your most precious, unyielding resource. I would love to say that it was the 8 hours that I spend working, or the 6 hours that I spend sleeping, but both of these area necessary. So…the real question becomes, “How am I spending the other 10 hours of my day”. So here is my short but sweet ten hours list: Cooking, cleaning, running, plant care, social media, writing, watching movies or television and driving to someone’s store. I would say that I waste the most time CLEANING.

I struggle daily to deal with my clutter and disorganization. Clutter meaning having too many things in my home that I do not utilize and are not adding value, yet I cling to them. Disorganization, meaning I don’t assign permanent homes for things. One week my coffee pot is on this counter, next week it is next to the microwave. Sometimes the air freshener is under the kitchen sink, other times in the bathroom pantry. Which means that it not only takes me a long time to waste clean things, it also takes a while to find things sometimes.

I’m dishing all the dirt!

I also leave dishes until the next day because the dishwasher is full, or leave my clothes on the floor because the bathroom hamper is not in the bathroom.

Yes…definitely Cleaning!

If I ever get married again, I will surely have to confess these things.


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