Refocus your time and your energy #005


So this was not one of my finer weeks. I felt like I was standing still. You know the cycle, negative thoughts creep in, negative actions follow, and before I know it    you start moving backwards. You feel like you’re undoing all the progress that you’ve made.

We all know that once bad habits begin to resurface, you need to move swiftly to get yourself back on track. This can look different for everyone depending on what bad habits you have, what you’re dealing with now, or your past traumas.

If you’ve been watching my Youtube channel @ImFreeToBeOver50, or any of my other social media platforms, you may have noticed lately that I’ve had a heavy emphasis on a vegan diet, my plants and running.

See what I just did?

I just plugged my channel and summed a few of my daily principles for refocusing my time and energy)

My vegan diet of course pertains to health, running which is my exercise of choice, and caring for my plants which is one of the ways that I nurture my inner self. I also love how plants connect me with nature in a society filled with entirely too much metal. 

That leads me to you.

Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with your daily habits?

The way I see it, it is either a lack of motivation which means that you are not showing up for yourself. Possibly, it is a lack of focus which means that you are concentrating on too many things, or prioritizing other things ahead of your daily habits.

A lack of focus is terrible because at the end of the day it means that you are not prioritizing yourself…and if that is the case I’d suggest spending more time with yourself and rediscovering that love for self which should be our motivation for doing anything. In fact, it should all come down to love for self because in the end its all about love.

Love for yourself, and love for others.

So where do we go from here?

I say we start from scratch.

Identify what it is that is taking you away from your daily routine and then figure out why you are allowing it so much of your time and energy. I don’t know about you     but when I let myself down it lingers deep down in my spirit. It effects me to the point where I feel like I am outside of myself watching myself f*ck up. Ignoring that little voice in the back of your mind telling me not to go in that direction, while still moving in that direction.

Perhaps that little inner voice is much too quiet?


It is because you have let yourself down before, and at that moment you are not as important as the thing, whatever that thing is!

Sometimes its because you’ve been through so much that a little more pain is ok right?

My message is that it is not ok! It’s not ok because YOU do deserve better. So just like you demand better from other people, demand better from yourself.

It’s just that simple.

You owe it to yourself to be happy, whatever that looks like. Whatever it is that makes you feel good. That’s what life is all about…

Warmth and Vibrance!

So don’t let yourself down, especially when you know what is going to make you a better person in the short AND the long term.

When you fail to come through for yourself, you are cheating yourself. Now, you don’t allow others to cheat you right? So why are YOU giving yourself a pass for cheating YOU?

Cut it out!

Take those habits seriously!

I mean forgive yourself for the let down, if you let yourself down. Forgive yourself and move on because only you know what needs to be done. Plus, you always feel better after you do it.

When I go for that run when I don’t feel like it, when it is over, I feel accomplished.


Mainly because I checked something off of the list.

It’s MY list!

It’s MY journey!

Become selfishly committed to your journey because that is what it is going to take to accomplish your goals. Of course you have to believe in them. You have to see yourself in the thing. Whatever it is! But understand that it is always happening when you are doing the work. The work is the thing!

Think about it…

When you say I want to become a musician or a rapper, does that start when you get a contract? Or, does it start when you start spitting raps?


That’s the difference between accomplishing your goals and just talking about and admiring the concept, the ideal, seeing something in others that you don’t see in yourself.

I say the hell with that. Why not you? When did you become less worthy of receiving that you want? But it wont come with admiration, it comes with effort, with daily practice, with submerging yourself in the process and falling in love with the work.

Once you do that you are already there. Whether you are acting on national television or your neighborhood theatre.

Some people give up on their dreams and see themselves as failures simply because they are not accomplishing what they want on a grander scale.

That’s just comparison. Comparing yourself to others. Comparing the success of others to your success, and using money as the barometer. When you do that its like saying, “I don’t want to be an actor, I just want to get rich acting”!

Those are two different things!

I want to thank you for spending time with me, and I want to thank you for watching, or reading, or listening.  

Go out there and reach a milestone today.

Be purposeful, because you are already blessed.




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