Eco-Thinking and a Life Lesson from my Monstera Deliciosa #009

It took me a while to understand it, but I learned a very profound lesson from my Monstera Deliciosa…

Now when I purchased this plant it had a couple of older, seemingly identical leaves on it like this.

But the problem was that one of the leaves was torn…and broken.

The leaf was hanging past the center vein, so I broke the leaf off because I didn’t want to see it like that anymore.

To my surprise…

A few months later, a new leaf began to grow from the stem of the damaged leaf. It was smaller than the leaves of my other Monstera and completely curled up, almost as if it was withdrawn. It took quite a bit of time before it unfurled…

but when it did, I noticed something amazing.

The new leaf didn’t come out whole…it was torn and broken exactly like the parent leaf.

That’s when it hit me, broken parents plus broken roots equal broken children.

Check out this video on YouTube…and please subscribe to my channel.

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