Life Aficionado #11

Life can be filled with so many teachable moments. So many of life’s wonderful lessons etched into our everyday realities.

When I woke up this morning the first thing I noticed was the heavy fog that blanketed the sky. I wondered how long it would be before the sun would make an appearance. My apartment has very little light, and my largest window is Northeast facing. Of course this means that I have to take full advantage of the morning sun on my plants because mid-day is too late for direct sunlight.

I work from home so my day tends to start before I shower and start coffee. The trade off is that I can take my time. I don’t have to get fully dressed, feed my dog, jump in my car, etc.

Another day in the life right?

I peek over my computer monitor and see the light of the sun finally calling.

But I didn’t rush to open the blinds. Instead, I grabbed my camera and took these…

“Pink Princess”

“Money Tree”

“Pan Am”

“Wandering Jew”


My point, don’t let the rigors of life force you in a routine of absence. Stay as mindful and as present as you can.

Life is beautiful…

Life is short precious…

Life is too damned short.


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