Reciprocity is not a dirty word

I believe that everything in the Universe casts a reflection on some level.

A blossoming plant is a reflection of it receiving proper light, nutrition and water to photosynthesize, and ultimately be its best.

A well-written novel is the reflection of the time, thought and effort that the author spends to intricately weave their story.

Relationships are no different.

There is an old saying that you only get out what you put in. I have learned many lessons in this regard. Some the hard way. What I can say for certain is that we should never allow our fear, disguised as experience, to limit us from enjoying all that life has to offer.

In relationships we tend to proceed with such extreme caution because we are afraid that the next relationship will deliver a continuation of the heart break from the previous one. What tends to happen is that the other person in the relationship, the brave one, tends to suffer from a lack of authenticity. Denying yourself, and the other person, simply because you are afraid to reciprocate.

How tenderly selfish you are…

How amazingly self-defeating you are…

What a lack of gratitude!

What I mean is that you have already come out of the pits of previous relationship despair, but you are not giving yourself the permission and the privilege to reap the rewards of your victory.

So in essence, you are still a victim…

You are still suffering…

You are not truly out of that pit of relationship despair…

You are reaching a hand out…and pulling someone else into that pit with you.

I say…love like its your first time because it is not your past that destroys your future…it’s your fear.

Until you claim your victory…you will always remain a victim.

I wish everyone could read this…but if only one person reads until the end, and takes this message out into their life, into their relationship, and it helps…then…

You’re welcome.

Peace and Love,


PS…Its DEFINITELY time to get off the grid, but that’s another blog post for another day.



Please check out my YouTube video on Reciprocity:

Tell me who I have to be, to get some reciprocity

Lauren Hill

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